Practice Integration Profile
The Practice Integration Profile is an organizational self-assessment survey operationalizing the ideas in AHRQ developed Lexicon of Collaborative Care (2013). It should take less than 10 minutes to complete. We suggest that PIP be completed by both the Medical Director and the Senior Behavioral Health Clinician of a practice and that the graphs for both be compared.
In return for answering all questions in the survey, you will receive a graph of your practice profile on the dimensions of the measure. There is no cost to you or your practice for participation. You can choose whether or not to participate. The Practice Integration Profile is still under development and we do not guarantee that your practice's performance on the survey corresponds to evidence based practice or improved patient outcomes.
If you have any questions or concerns about the project, please feel free to contact Dr. Rodger Kessler, PhD, ABPP, Chair, Research and Evaluation, Doctor of Behavioral Health Program, Arizona State University at or
The UVM Institutional Review Board has reviewed this project. If you have any concerns about your rights in this study, please contact Nancy Stalnaker, the Director of the Research Protections Office at the University of Vermont at 802-656-5040.